国际警察,包括500多名德国人,突袭了一个通过法国向联合王国运送移民的走私网络。 International police, including over 500 Germans, raid a smuggling network moving migrants to the UK via France.
国际警察部队,包括500多名德国警官,对从中东和北非经法国向联合王国运送移徙者的走私网络进行了突袭。 International police forces, including over 500 German officers, conducted raids targeting a smuggling network that transports migrants from the Middle East and North Africa to the UK via France. 这些行动由法国当局牵头,旨在用危险的充气船摧毁帮派,用于危险的海峡过境点。 Led by French authorities, the operations aim to dismantle gangs using dangerous inflatable boats for the perilous Channel crossing. 自7月以来,有20 000多名移民在这种条件下旅行。 Since July, over 20,000 migrants have made the journey under these conditions.