法国北部一名22岁的青年供认杀害了5人,包括移民和警卫。 A 22-year-old in northern France confessed to killing five people, including migrants and security guards.
法国北部一名22岁的男子承认在敦克尔克附近杀害了5人,包括两名移民和两名警卫。 A 22-year-old man in northern France has confessed to killing five people near Dunkirk, including two migrants and two security guards. 枪手没有犯罪前科,自首,在监狱中面临生命危险。 The shooter, with no prior criminal record, turned himself in and faces life in prison. 动机不明确,但当局正在调查潜在的专业纠纷。 The motive is unclear, but authorities are investigating potential professional disputes. 嫌犯以枪法而闻名,被用多支火器找到。 The suspect, known for his marksmanship, was found with multiple firearms.