加拿大政府寻求在2025年3月前通过“失踪加拿大人”的国籍法。 Canadian government seeks extension to pass citizenship law for "lost Canadians" by March 2025.
加拿大政府正在寻求安大略省法院延长三个月,以通过“失去国籍的加拿大人”的公民身份立法。 “失去国籍的加拿大人”是在海外出生的,其父母也是在海外出生的加拿大人。 The Canadian government is seeking a three-month extension from an Ontario court to pass citizenship legislation for "lost Canadians," individuals born abroad to Canadian parents also born overseas. 2009年法律禁止这些人继承2021年被认为违宪的公民身份。 The 2009 law prevented these individuals from inheriting citizenship, deemed unconstitutional in 2021. 政府认为需要延迟才能避免“立法空白”, 而受影响家庭的法律团队则认为拖延时间过长。 The government argues the delay is needed to avoid a "legislative gap," while the affected families' legal team believes the delay is excessive. 截止日期现定为2025年3月19日。 The deadline is now set for March 19, 2025.