加拿大的C-71号法案提议,将持续国籍传给在国外出生的加拿大人及其后代。 Canada's Bill C-71 proposes to extend continuous citizenship transmission to Canadians born abroad and their descendants.
加拿大的C-71号法案试图修正《公民身份法》,允许在国外出生的加拿大人及其后代持续传递公民身份,这与目前的第一代限制相悖。 Canada's Bill C-71 seeks to amend the Citizenship Act to allow continuous citizenship transmission for Canadians born abroad and their descendants, contrary to the current first-generation limit. 包括移民分析师安德鲁·格里菲斯(Andrew Griffith)在内的批评者警告说,这可能会造成一个“永无止境的公民身份链”,并为外国干预提供便利,特别是来自中国和印度等国家的干预。 Critics, including immigration analyst Andrew Griffith, warn it could create a "never-ending chain of citizenship" and facilitate foreign interference, particularly from countries like China and India. 此外,还提出了对出生旅游和没有公民身份测试的关切。 Additionally, concerns about birth tourism and the absence of citizenship tests have been raised.