移民部长提议立法扩大在加拿大境外出生的儿童的公民权利。 Immigration Minister proposes legislation to extend citizenship rights to children born outside Canada.
移民部长马克·米勒将提出一项立法,将公民权利扩大到在加拿大境外出生的儿童。 Immigration Minister Marc Miller is set to table legislation extending citizenship rights to children born outside of Canada. 这项法案提案解决了1977年和2009年发生的两次加拿大公民身份变更,两次变更剥夺了数千名在国外出生的加拿大人的公民身份,从而产生了一个被称为“迷失的加拿大人”的群体。 The proposed bill addresses previous changes in 1977 and 2009 that stripped thousands of people born abroad of their Canadian citizenship, creating a group known as "Lost Canadians." 去年,安大略省高等法院裁定现行制度违宪,导致加拿大人被分成两类。 Last year, the Ontario Superior Court found the current system unconstitutional, creating two classes of Canadians.