由于大马士革的倒台和阿萨德的驱逐,欧洲国家停止了叙利亚的庇护申请。 European nations halt Syrian asylum claims due to Damascus' fall and Assad's ousting.
包括德国、法国和联合王国在内的欧洲国家,在最近叛军占领大马士革并推翻阿萨德总统后,暂停了叙利亚庇护申请的处理。 European countries, including Germany, France, and the UK, have suspended the processing of Syrian asylum claims following the recent capture of Damascus by rebel forces and the ousting of President Assad. 这一举动影响到数万份申请,目的是重新评估叙利亚局势。 This move affects tens of thousands of applications and aims to reassess the situation in Syria. 一些国家,如奥地利,正在考虑驱逐出境。 Some countries, like Austria, are considering deportations. 人权团体警告叙利亚的不确定局势。 Rights groups warn of the uncertain situation in Syria.