德国法院裁定叙利亚冲突不再对平民构成普遍危险,影响叙利亚难民的身份申请。 German court determines Syria's conflict no longer poses general danger to civilians, impacting Syrian refugees' status claims.
德国一家法院裁定,叙利亚持续冲突不再对所有平民构成普遍危险,这可能会影响叙利亚难民的受保护身份申请。 A German court ruled that there is no longer a general danger to all civilians from Syria's ongoing conflict, potentially affecting Syrian refugees' protected status claims. 北莱茵-威斯特法伦州的裁决可能会影响德国当局对叙利亚保护请求的处理,并且仍然可以上诉。 The decision in North Rhine-Westphalia state may impact German authorities' handling of Syrian protection claims and can still be appealed. 批评人士认为,该裁决忽视了叙利亚的现实。 Critics argue the ruling overlooks the reality in Syria.