德国推动欧盟放松对叙利亚的制裁,如果人权和安全条件得到改善的话。 Germany pushes EU to ease sanctions on Syria if human rights and security conditions improve.
德国正在欧盟带头努力减轻对叙利亚的制裁,制裁是在被推翻的巴沙尔·阿萨德总统执政期间实施的。 Germany is leading efforts in the EU to ease sanctions on Syria, which were imposed during the rule of ousted President Bashar al-Assad. 如果在少数民族和妇女权利以及不扩散武器等问题上取得进展,德国官员已提议放松制裁。 German officials have proposed relaxing sanctions if there is progress on issues like minority and women's rights and weapons non-proliferation. 这一行动的目的是重建与叙利亚新领导人的关系,尽管国际社会在解除限制方面仍然谨慎。 The move aims to rebuild relations with Syria's new leaders, though the international community remains cautious about lifting restrictions.