新西兰建议作出修改,限制对犯有严重不当行为的雇员的赔偿。 New Zealand proposes changes to limit compensation for employees guilty of serious misconduct.
新西兰政府正在提议修改个人申诉制度,使严重不当行为的雇员更难以获得经济补偿或复职。 New Zealand's government is proposing changes to the personal grievance system to make it harder for employees who engage in serious misconduct to receive financial compensation or reinstatement. 这些变化得到雇主的支持,但受到工会的批评,其目的是让雇员更加负责,降低雇主的费用。 The changes, supported by employers but criticized by unions, aim to hold employees more accountable and reduce costs for employers. 预计《就业关系修正法案》将于2025年推出。 The Employment Relations Amendment Bill is expected to be introduced in 2025.