新西兰提议对就业法进行改革,以平衡各项权利,包括对无理解雇要求规定工资上限。 New Zealand proposes employment law reforms to balance rights, including a salary cap for unjustified dismissal claims.
新西兰提议修改就业法,以平衡雇主和雇员的权利,重点是工作场所行为。 New Zealand proposes changes to employment law to balance employer and employee rights, focusing on workplace behavior. 改革包括对无理解雇要求规定薪金上限(每年180,000新西兰元),限制对严重不当行为的赔偿,并考虑雇员在解雇补救办法中的贡献。 The reforms include a salary cap for unjustified dismissal claims (NZ$180,000 annually), limiting compensation for serious misconduct, and considering employee contribution in dismissal remedies. 这些变革旨在降低中小企业的风险,鼓励员工的积极行为。 These changes aim to reduce risks for small to medium businesses and encourage positive employee behavior.