中国海岸警卫队在Scarborough Shoal附近以水炮和碰撞骚扰菲律宾船只。 Chinese coast guard harassed Philippine ships with water cannons and collisions near Scarborough Shoal.
2024年12月4日,中国海岸警卫队船只在Bajo de Masinloc(又称Scarborough Shoal)附近例行巡逻时骚扰菲律宾船只。 On December 4, 2024, Chinese Coast Guard vessels harassed Philippine ships during a routine patrol near Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Scarborough Shoal. 中国船只向一艘菲律宾船只发射水炮,瞄准其导航天线,并绕过该天线。 The Chinese ship fired water cannons at a Philippine vessel, targeting its navigational antennas, and sideswiped it. 菲律宾当局谴责这些行动为非法侵略,强调他们承诺保护菲律宾渔民和争议水域的国家利益。 Philippine authorities condemned these actions as unlawful aggression, emphasizing their commitment to protect Filipino fishers and national interests in the disputed waters.