中国海岸警卫队在Scarborough Shoal周围巡逻,以维护南中国海的领土权利。 China's coast guard conducts patrols around Scarborough Shoal to assert territorial rights in the South China Sea.
中国海岸警卫队自12月起在南海的Scarborough Shoal周围巡逻, 根据国家媒体报导, China's coast guard has been conducting patrols around the Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea since December to protect the country's territorial rights, according to state media. 这些执法行动旨在加强对水域和周围地区的控制。 These law enforcement operations aim to strengthen control over the shoal's waters and surrounding areas. 菲律宾驻北京大使馆未对评论意见作出答复。 The Philippine embassy in Beijing did not respond to comments.