威斯康星州法院恢复了公共工人的集体谈判权利,扭转了2011年的法律。 Wisconsin court restores public workers' collective bargaining rights, reversing 2011 law.
威斯康星州法院已恢复了公共工人和教师工会的集体谈判权利,推翻了2011年剥夺这些权利的法律。 A Wisconsin court has restored collective bargaining rights for public worker and teacher unions, reversing a 2011 law that stripped these rights. 这一决定使工会能够就更好的工资、福利和工作条件进行谈判。 This decision allows unions to negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions. 共和党人计划上诉,案件可能提交州最高法院,州最高法院在4月选举后控制权可能转移。 Republicans plan to appeal, with the case likely heading to the state Supreme Court, where control could shift after an April election.