丹县法官裁定威斯康星州 2011 年第 10 号法案的部分内容违宪,该法案限制了公共部门工会集体谈判权。 Dane County judge rules parts of Wisconsin's 2011 Act 10, limiting public sector union collective bargaining rights, unconstitutional.
丹县法官雅各布·弗罗斯特 (Jacob Frost) 裁定威斯康星州 2011 年第 10 号法案的部分内容违宪,该法案限制了公共部门工会的集体谈判权利。 Dane County judge Jacob Frost has ruled parts of Wisconsin's 2011 Act 10, which limited collective bargaining rights for public sector unions, as unconstitutional. 该裁决允许对这项法律提出质疑的诉讼继续进行,因为该法律被认定侵犯了公务员依法享有平等保护的权利。 The decision allows a lawsuit challenging the law to move forward, as it was found to violate the right to equal protection under the law for public employees. 第 10 号法案的最终命运可能由威斯康星州最高法院决定。 The ultimate fate of Act 10 may be decided by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.