犹他州立法者关于取消公共部门工会集体谈判的先期法案。 Utah lawmakers advance bill to eliminate collective bargaining for public sector unions, sparking争议.
犹他州立法者已提出一项法案,即HB267,该法案将消除公共部门工会的集体谈判,包括代表教师、消防员和警官的工会。 Utah lawmakers have advanced a bill, HB267, that would eliminate collective bargaining for public sector unions, including those representing teachers, firefighters, and police officers. 该法案在众议院通过42-32,现在提交参议院。 The bill passed 42-32 in the House and now moves to the Senate. 包括犹他州教育协会在内的批评者认为,它损害了工人为自己辩护的能力,而支持者则声称,它确保所有公共雇员在谈判中都有发言权。 Critics, including the Utah Education Association, argue it undermines workers' ability to advocate for themselves, while supporters claim it ensures all public employees have a voice in negotiations.