威斯康辛州法院推翻了2011年限制公共工会集体谈判权利的法律。 Wisconsin court overturns 2011 law that restricted public unions' collective bargaining rights.
威斯康星州法院推翻了一部削弱公共职工工会的法律,标志着劳动权利获得重大胜利。 A Wisconsin court has overturned a law that weakened public employee unions, marking a significant win for labor rights. 2011年法律限制了公共部门工人的集体谈判权利,引发争议和法律挑战。 The 2011 law had limited collective bargaining rights for public sector workers, sparking controversy and legal challenges. 这一裁决可以重新引发关于劳工权利以及工会在国家内外的作用的辩论。 This ruling could reignite the debate over labor rights and the role of unions in the state and beyond.