威斯康星州最高法院允许对2011年限制工会权利的法律提出质疑的诉讼继续进行。 Wisconsin Supreme Court lets lawsuit challenging 2011 law restricting unions' rights proceed.
威斯康星州最高法院拒绝审理一个旨在恢复公共部门工人集体谈判权利的案件,这项权利因2011年《第10号法案》法律而丧失。 The Wisconsin Supreme Court has declined to hear a case aiming to restore collective bargaining rights to public sector workers, a right lost due to the 2011 Act 10 law. 由七个工会提起的诉讼现在将由下级法院进行。 The lawsuit, filed by seven unions, will now proceed through lower courts. 一个关键的自由司法拒绝共和党提出的回避该案的请求。 A key liberal justice rejected a Republican request to recuse herself from the case. 如果诉讼成功,它可以恢复许多公共工人的讨价还价权利。 If the lawsuit succeeds, it could restore bargaining rights to many public workers.