威斯康星州法官推翻了2011年限制公共雇员集体谈判权利的法律。 Wisconsin judge overturns 2011 law restricting public employees' collective bargaining rights.
威斯康星州法官推翻了2011年第10号法案《州法》,该法限制大多数公务员的集体谈判权利。 A Wisconsin judge has overturned the 2011 state law, Act 10, which had restricted collective bargaining rights for most public employees. Dane县巡回法官Jacob Frost的裁决恢复了这些权利,并给予所有公共部门工人同样的待遇,这与豁免警察和消防员的原始法律不同。 The ruling by Dane County Circuit Judge Jacob Frost restores these rights and treats all public-sector workers the same, unlike the original law that exempted police and firefighters. 共和党人计划对该决定提出上诉,有可能将案件提交威斯康星州最高法院。 Republicans plan to appeal the decision, potentially sending the case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. 该法迫使公共雇员支付更多的保健和退休福利,在颁布时引发了重大抗议。 The law had forced public employees to pay more for health care and retirement benefits, sparking significant protests when it was enacted.