在韩国举行的联合国会谈中,谈判代表未能就全球塑料污染条约达成一致。 Negotiators failed to agree on a global plastic pollution treaty at UN talks in South Korea.
在韩国举行的联合国会谈中,经过一周的讨论,谈判代表未能就打击全球塑料污染的条约达成协议。 Negotiators at UN talks in South Korea failed to reach an agreement on a treaty to combat global plastic pollution after a week of discussions. 主要问题是该条约是否应旨在减少塑料总量并建立全球标准。 The main issue was whether the treaty should aim to reduce the overall amount of plastic and establish global standards. 谈判将于明年恢复,以期达成共识。 Talks will resume next year in an effort to reach a consensus.