环境团体和批评者批评环境署在曼谷主办的关于塑料污染的第一次全球条约会谈的有限参与。 Environmental groups and critics criticize limited participation in the first global treaty talks on plastic pollution in Bangkok, hosted by UNEP.
批评者和环保团体声称,他们被排除在联合国环境规划署(环境署)在曼谷主办的第一次全球塑料污染条约会谈之外。 Critics and environmental groups claim they are being shut out of the first global treaty talks on plastic pollution in Bangkok, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 数百个组织致信环境署,对参加会谈的有限表示关切,有人说,这可能会为今后的环境条约制定工作开创一个消极的先例。 Hundreds of organizations have written to UNEP expressing concerns over limited participation in the talks, which some argue could set a negative precedent for future environmental treaty-making. 曼谷会议是专家将深入讨论条约实质内容的第一次曼谷会议,重点讨论塑料制品中使用的化学品和潜在的融资问题。 The Bangkok meeting is the first where experts will discuss the substance of the treaty in depth, focusing on the chemicals used in plastic products and potential financing. 有人担心,如果包括塑料工业代表在内的主要利益攸关方没有得到充分的代表,可能会导致一份较弱的最后文件。 Concerns have been raised that if key stakeholders, including plastic industry representatives, are not adequately represented, it could lead to a weaker final document.