联合国塑料条约谈判半途而废,但由于在筹资和执行问题上存在分歧,结果不确定。 UN plastic treaty talks halfway done, but outcome uncertain due to disagreements on funding, enforcement.
旨在打击塑料污染的联合国塑料条约的最后谈判已经到了中点,但显然的结果仍然不确定。 The final UN plastic treaty negotiations, aimed at combating plastic pollution, have reached the halfway point, but a clear outcome remains uncertain. 来自世界各地的代表正在讨论减少塑料废物的措施,但在供资和执法等关键问题上仍然存在重大分歧。 Delegates from around the world are discussing measures to reduce plastic waste, but significant disagreements persist over key issues such as funding and enforcement. 会谈将在今后几天结束。 The talks are set to conclude in the coming days.