各国未能就《全球塑料条约》达成一致,在生产限制和对发展中国家的援助问题上意见不一。 Nations fail to agree on Global Plastics Treaty, disagreeing on production limits and aid for developing countries.
全球塑料条约谈判第五届会议没有达成协议,在遏制塑料生产和支持发展中国家问题上存在重大分歧。 The fifth session of negotiations for a Global Plastics Treaty ended without a deal, with major disagreements over curbing plastic production and supporting developing countries. 各国拒绝了一项不充分的提案,要求作出更有力的承诺,解决塑料污染问题。 Nations rejected an inadequate proposal, pushing for stronger commitments to address plastic pollution. 谈判步伐缓慢使许多人失望,但确保缔结一项条约的最后会议仍然即将举行。 The slow pace of negotiations has frustrated many, but the final meeting to secure a treaty is still on the horizon.