由于生产限额和财政援助方面的争议,全球塑料污染条约谈判在南朝鲜陷入停顿。 Global plastic pollution treaty talks stalled in South Korea due to disputes over production limits and financial aid.
最近在南朝鲜举行的一次会议上,全球塑料污染条约的谈判陷入僵局,在限制塑料生产以及向印度和中国等发展中国家提供财政支助的问题上存在分歧。 Negotiations for a global plastic pollution treaty stalled at a recent meeting in South Korea, with disagreements over curbing plastic production and providing financial support to developing nations like India and China. 高雄心国家支持结束塑料污染,印度则强调在污染控制与经济增长之间取得平衡,并呼吁提供技术和财政援助。 High-ambition countries supported ending plastic pollution, while India emphasized balancing pollution control with economic growth, calling for technical and financial assistance. 175个参与国将于2025年继续会谈。 The 175 participating nations will continue talks in 2025.