来自 175 个国家/地区的代表齐聚韩国,讨论减少全球塑料污染的条约。 Delegates from 175 countries meet in South Korea to discuss treaty for reducing global plastic pollution.
来自 175 个国家的代表齐聚韩国釜山,举行第五轮会谈,以制定一项减少塑料污染的国际条约。 Delegates from 175 countries met in Busan, South Korea, for the fifth round of talks to create an international treaty to reduce plastic pollution. 尽管美国、欧盟和其他国家支持限制塑料生产,但分歧仍然存在,尤其是来自沙特阿拉伯和中国等石化生产国的分歧。 Despite support from the U.S., EU, and others for capping plastic production, divisions remain, especially from petrochemical-producing countries like Saudi Arabia and China. 会谈旨在解决环境和健康影响问题,但在达成共识方面面临挑战。 The talks aim to address environmental and health impacts but face challenges in reaching a consensus.