来自175个国家的代表在南朝鲜举行会议,讨论塑料污染条约,在生产限额方面出现分歧。 Delegates from 175 countries meet in South Korea to discuss a treaty on plastic pollution, facing divisions over production limits.
来自175个国家的代表来自南朝鲜釜山,参加第五轮谈判,以缔结一项国际条约,遏制塑料污染。 Delegates from 175 countries are in Busan, South Korea, for the fifth round of talks to create an international treaty to curb plastic pollution. 尽管目标相同,但分歧依然存在,特别是在沙特阿拉伯和中国等反对限制塑料生产的国家与美国、欧盟和其他支持这种限制的国家之间。 Despite shared goals, divisions persist, especially between countries like Saudi Arabia and China, which oppose capping plastic production, and the US, EU, and others supporting such limits. 由于这些分歧,其结果仍然不确定。 The outcome remains uncertain due to these disagreements.