英国农民封锁港口,抗议新的遗产税和农业政策。 UK farmers blockade ports, protesting new inheritance taxes and farming policies.
英国农民封锁了霍利赫德港, 在多佛也举行了类似的抗议活动, 要求改变政府的遗产税计划, 计划从2026年4月开始对价值超过100万英的农业资产征收20%的税. UK farmers have blockaded Holyhead port and conducted similar protests in Dover, demanding changes to the government's inheritance tax plans, which would impose a 20% tax on farm assets worth over £1 million starting in April 2026. 农民认为这将影响大多数农场并威胁他们的生计。 Farmers argue this will affect most farms and threaten their livelihoods. 政府维持这项税是“公平和相称的”。 The government maintains the tax is "fair and proportionate." 抗议者还反对威尔士可持续农耕计划和进口低于标准食品。 Protests also oppose the Welsh Sustainable Farming Scheme and imports of substandard food.