英国农民计划从2026年4月开始举行「团结日」抗议活动, 抗议对农场征收新的遗产税。 UK farmers plan a "Day of Unity" protest against a new inheritance tax on farms starting April 2026.
英国农民计划于1月25日举办「团结日」抗议对价值超过100万英镑的农业资产征收新的遗产税, UK farmers are planning a "Day of Unity" on January 25 to protest against a new inheritance tax on agricultural assets valued over £1 million, set to start in April 2026. 农业社区认为,鉴于农业用地成本高,门槛太低,而且20%的税率会威胁家庭用地的未来。 The farming community argues the threshold is too low, given the high cost of agricultural land, and that the 20% tax rate would threaten the future of family farms. 全国农民联盟正在带头抗议,敦促议员重新评估提议的税收。 The National Farmers' Union is leading the protest, urging MPs to reassess the proposed tax.