农民与达林顿的拖拉机齐聚一堂, 抗议影响土地的继承税变动。 Farmers rally with tractors in Darlington to protest inheritance tax changes threatening their land.
数以百计的农民,拥有130多辆拖拉机,聚集在达林顿,抗议改变继承税,因为他们担心会迫使他们出售部分土地。 Hundreds of farmers, with over 130 tractors, rallied in Darlington to protest against changes to inheritance tax that they fear could force them to sell parts of their land. 这次活动突出了他们对预算变化对其生计的影响的关切,并强调了他们在粮食安全和环境保护方面的作用。 The event highlighted their concerns about the impact of budget changes on their livelihoods and emphasized their role in food security and environmental preservation. 全国农民联盟组织了抗议活动,包括演讲和穿过该镇的一次拖拉机游行。 The National Farmers Union organized the protest, which included speeches and a tractor parade through the town.