1月英国农民计划封锁超市, 抗议对农场征收新的遗产税。 UK farmers plan January blockades of supermarkets to protest new inheritance tax on farms.
英国农民正计划在1月封锁超市分销中心, 抗议新的遗产税规则, 对超过100万英镑的资产征收20%的税。 UK farmers are planning to blockade supermarket distribution centers in January to protest against new inheritance tax rules that would impose a 20% tax on assets over £1 million. 由激进农业团体组织的封锁可能扰乱粮食供应,造成空架子和价格上涨。 The blockades, organized by radical farming groups, could disrupt food supplies, causing empty shelves and price hikes. 政府维护这项政策,指出这项政策每年影响约500个庄园,是公平资助公共服务办法的一部分。 The government defends the policy, stating it affects about 500 estates yearly and is part of a fair approach to fund public services.