威尔士农民抗议新的继承税规则,声称它们威胁到农耕业。 Welsh farmers protest against new inheritance tax rules, claiming they threaten the farming industry.
威尔士农民抗议最近农场继承税的变更, 认为新规则可能会破坏他们的产业。 Farmers in Wales protested against recent changes to inheritance tax for farms, arguing the new rules could devastate their industry. 总理Keir Starmer为预算变化辩护,称预算变化是稳定经济所必需的,同时赞扬威尔士劳工局的收益。 Prime Minister Keir Starmer defended the budget changes, calling them necessary to stabilize the economy, while praising Labour's gains in Wales. 农民声称,这些变化将影响超过政府估计的500个庄园,有些人说,66%的农场企业超过了100万英镑的税收门槛。 Farmers claim the changes will affect more than the government's estimated 500 estates, with some saying 66% of farm businesses exceed the £1 million threshold for the tax. 星际巨星发誓 支持工人 尽管争议。 Starmer vowed to support working people despite the controversy.