冰岛总理宣布联合政府因庇护、能源政策、11月30日的选举而垮台。 Iceland's PM announces coalition government's collapse over asylum, energy policies; elections set for Nov 30.
冰岛总理巴亚尔尼·贝内迪克松宣布三党联合政府垮台,导致11月30日的选举。 Iceland's Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson announced the collapse of the three-party coalition government, leading to elections on November 30. 该联盟包括独立党、进步党和左绿运动,由于在寻求庇护者和能源政策上存在分歧而解散。 The coalition, which includes the Independence Party, Progressive Party, and Left-Green Movement, disbanded due to disagreements on asylum seekers and energy policies. 政府的支持已经下降到24.6%,是30年来最低的。 The government's support has fallen to 24.6%, marking its lowest in 30 years. Benediktsson将就解散问题与哈拉·托马斯多蒂尔总统会晤。 Benediktsson will meet with President Halla Tomasdottir regarding the dissolution.