风暴伯特在威尔士和英格兰北部造成严重的洪水和旅行中断。 Storm Bert causes severe flooding and travel disruptions across Wales and northern England.
风暴伯特在威尔士和英格兰部分地区造成了广泛的洪水和旅行中断。 Storm Bert has caused widespread flooding and travel disruptions across Wales and parts of England. 在威尔士,大雨和强风导致桥梁关闭、道路关闭和山体滑坡导致疏散。 In Wales, heavy rain and strong winds have led to bridge closures, road shutdowns, and evacuations due to landslides. M48 塞文大桥和几项渡轮服务已关闭。 The M48 Severn Bridge and several ferry services have been closed. 在英格兰,洪水已经影响了拉姆斯伯特和博尔顿等城镇,紧急服务部门正在为居民提供帮助。 In England, flooding has affected towns like Ramsbottom and Bolton, with emergency services assisting residents. 洪水警告和警报已经发布,环境署正在密切监测河流水位。 Flood warnings and alerts have been issued, and the Environment Agency is monitoring river levels closely.