热浪袭击了澳大利亚的肖尔黑文,Nowra 的气温飙升至 36°C,引发了健康警告。 A heatwave hits Australia's Shoalhaven, with Nowra seeing temps soar to 36°C, prompting health warnings.
热浪袭击了澳大利亚的肖尔黑文地区,11 月 23 日诺拉达到 33.3 摄氏度,标志着春季最热的一天。 A heatwave has struck the Shoalhaven region in Australia, with Nowra reaching 33.3 degrees Celsius on November 23, marking the hottest day of spring. 气象局已对伊拉瓦拉、南海岸和南部高地发出警告,预测低强度热浪天气将持续到 11 月 28 日,预计诺拉的气温将达到 36 摄氏度的峰值。 The Bureau of Meteorology has issued warnings for Illawarra, South Coast, and Southern Tablelands, predicting low-intensity heatwave conditions until November 28, with temperatures in Nowra expected to peak at 36 degrees Celsius. 新南威尔士州卫生部建议弱势群体保持凉爽,并在他们的 “Beat the Heat ”网页上提供安全提示。 NSW Health advises vulnerable groups to stay cool and offers safety tips on their "Beat the Heat" webpage.