新南威尔士的东岸 可以看到异常温暖的水域, 喜悦的海边观光客, 但导致藻类开花。 East Coast of New South Wales sees unusually warm waters, delighting beachgoers but causing algae bloom.
澳大利亚新南威尔士州东海岸正在经历异常温暖的水温,温度高达24摄氏度,原因是澳大利亚东部洋流从北面向南推来热水。 The east coast of New South Wales, Australia, is experiencing unusually warm water temperatures, reaching up to 24 degrees Celsius, due to an east Australian current pushing warmer water south from the north. 这让海滩游客和潜水员感到高兴,尽管由于藻类生长,一些地区的能见度有所降低。 This has delighted beachgoers and divers, though some areas have seen reduced visibility due to algae growth. 气象局报告说,全球海面温度大大高于平均水平。 The Bureau of Meteorology reports that global sea surface temperatures are substantially above average.