澳大利亚夏季面临越来越多的“气候鞭笞”, 野火和洪水的风险更高。 Australian summers face increased "climate whiplash," with higher risks of both bushfires and floods.
由于气候变化,澳大利亚夏季出现背对背严重气候事件,如野火和洪水的风险增加。 Australian summers are seeing an increased risk of back-to-back severe weather events, like bushfires and floods, due to climate change. 气候伤是描述这些快速转变的术语. The term "climate whiplash" describes these rapid transitions. 气象局预测2024-25年夏季的气温和湿度高于平均温度和湿度,增加了火灾和洪水的风险。 The Bureau of Meteorology predicts above-average temperatures and wetter conditions for the 2024-25 summer, increasing the risk of both fires and floods. 较高的夜间气温给健康和野火管理带来了更多挑战。 Higher night-time temperatures pose additional challenges for health and bushfire management.