澳洲纽卡斯尔面临浓雾、热浪及火灾风险, Newcastle, Australia, faces thick fog and a heatwave with fire risks, prompting health advisories.
澳大利亚纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)在12月15日经历了浓雾, Newcastle, Australia, experienced thick fog on December 15, caused by moist conditions and a strong temperature inversion. 预计将有40度的高温, 火曜是最危险的火灾日. A heatwave with temperatures reaching the low 40s is expected, with Tuesday posing the highest fire danger. 气象局建议居民远离热量,保持水分,并照顾其健康和其他人。 The Bureau of Meteorology advises residents to stay out of the heat, stay hydrated, and take care of their health and others. 预计周三温度会更凉快 Cooler temperatures are expected on Wednesday.