2079 年西悉尼热浪造成的损失将翻两番,达到 68 亿澳元,郊区气温将升高 6-10°C。 2079 Western Sydney heatwave costs quadruple to $6.8bn, with suburbs experiencing 6-10°C hotter temperatures.
预计西悉尼将在未来几十年内首当其冲地承受不断增加的热浪成本。 Western Sydney is expected to bear the brunt of increasing heatwave costs in the coming decades. 一份新报告显示,到 2079 年,热浪给家庭、政府和企业带来的损失可能会翻两番,达到 68 亿美元。 A new report reveals that by 2079, the cost of heatwaves could quadruple to $6.8bn for households, governments, and businesses. 这包括与房屋降温、生产力损失和医疗保健费用增加相关的成本。 This includes costs related to cooling homes, productivity losses, and increased healthcare costs. 包括帕拉马塔(Parramatta)、The Hills 和坎特伯雷班克斯敦(Canterbury Bankstown)在内的西悉尼郊区预计将经历最严重的经济痛苦。 Western Sydney suburbs, including Parramatta, The Hills, and Canterbury Bankstown, are projected to experience the most economic pain. 这份题为《烧钱》的报告还强调,在热浪期间,西悉尼郊区的温度通常比沿海郊区高 6 至 10 摄氏度。 The report, titled "Burning Money," also highlights that suburbs in Western Sydney are typically 6-10 degrees Celsius hotter than coastal suburbs during heatwaves.