在新奥尔良的迪克・布伦南附近开枪 留下一人死亡 三人受伤 嫌犯正在寻找 Shooting near New Orleans' Dickie Brennan's leaves one dead, three injured; suspects sought.
在新奥尔良的法国区 迪克・布伦南的牛排屋附近发生枪击 造成一人死亡 三人受伤 In New Orleans' French Quarter, a shooting near Dickie Brennan's Steakhouse left one person dead and three injured. 警方说袭击是针对性的, 嫌疑人驾驶的是银色2016年款的本田雅典. Police say the attack was targeted, with suspects in a silver 2016 Honda Accord. 1名嫌疑人在押,2名仍逍遥法外。 One suspect is in custody, while two remain at large. 随后一周内奥尔良教区又发生枪击事件,促使城市领导人处理枪支暴力问题。 This follows another shooting in Orleans Parish within a week, prompting city leaders to address the issue of gun violence.