24小时内在圣路易斯发生了两起致命枪击事件,其中一起发生在Baden街区的一个加油站附近。 Two fatal shootings occurred in St. Louis within 24 hours, one near a Baden neighborhood gas station.
星期二清晨,圣路易斯北部Baden居民区的一个加油站附近发生枪击事件,造成1人死亡。 In the early morning hours of Tuesday, a shooting near a gas station in the Baden neighborhood of north St. Louis left one person dead. 周一下午西区街坊发生另一起致命枪击事件。 This follows another fatal shooting in the West End neighborhood on Monday afternoon. 警方正在调查这两起事件,但尚未查明任何嫌疑人。 Police are investigating both incidents but have not identified any suspects yet. 星期二的枪击涉及两辆车,其中一辆据报被盗,另一辆逃离现场。 The Tuesday shooting involved two vehicles, with one reported stolen and the other fleeing the scene.