在新奥尔良被致命枪杀的男子;挪威警察署在Elysian Fields大道关闭处进行调查。 Man fatally shot in New Orleans; NOPD investigates at Elysian Fields Avenue closure.
一名男子于1月7日在新奥尔良被致命枪击身亡, A man was fatally shot in New Orleans on January 7 at the intersection of North Galvez Street and Elysian Fields Avenue. 新奥尔良警察局在中午12点19分左右做出回应,发现受害者是一名25至30岁的男子,在现场死亡。 The New Orleans Police Department responded around 12:19 p.m. and found the victim, a man between 25 and 30 years old, who died at the scene. Elysian Fields大道北行道关闭进行调查。 Northbound lanes on Elysian Fields Avenue are closed for investigation. 尚没有关于嫌疑人或动机的信息。 No suspect or motive information is available yet.