日本同意870亿美元的刺激措施,包括减税和援助,以缓解不断上升的成本。 Japan agrees on $87 billion stimulus to ease rising costs, including tax cuts and aid.
日本已就870亿美元的一揽子经济刺激计划达成共识,以帮助家庭应对价格上涨问题。 Japan has reached a consensus on an $87 billion economic stimulus package to help households deal with rising prices. 由执政联盟和主要反对党商定的一揽子计划包括提高免税收入门槛、减少汽油税和向低收入家庭提供财政援助。 The package, agreed upon by the ruling coalition and the main opposition party, includes raising the tax-free income threshold, reducing gasoline taxes, and providing financial aid to low-income families. 议会将在下个月讨论一揽子计划的筹资问题。 The parliament will discuss funding for the package in the coming month.