石川县发生 7.5 级地震,造成 241 人死亡、10,000 多名居民受到影响,日本将救灾支出增加至 17 亿美元。 Japan increases quake relief spending to $1.7bn after a magnitude-7.5 earthquake in Ishikawa kills 241 and affects 10,000+ residents.
在石川县元旦发生毁灭性地震后,日本将追加 6.6 亿美元救灾资金,使救灾总额达到 17 亿美元。 Japan will spend an additional $660 million on quake relief, taking the total amount to $1.7 billion, following the devastating New Year's Day earthquake that hit Ishikawa region. 7.5级地震及其余震造成严重破坏,造成241人死亡,1万多名居民受到影响。 The magnitude-7.5 earthquake and its aftershocks caused significant damage, killing 241 people and affecting over 10,000 residents. 日本首相岸田文雄宣布了这项财政援助,该援助将用于重建地区、为受影响家庭提供支持,并为当地工业获取工具。 Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the financial aid, which will be used to rebuild areas, provide support for affected families, and secure tools for local industries.