日本计划发行440亿美元的债券,为减轻家庭财政压力的预算提供资金。 Japan plans to issue $44 billion in bonds to fund a budget easing financial pressures on households.
日本计划发行6.7万亿日元(约440亿美元)的新政府债券,为补充预算提供资金,以减轻价格上涨给家庭造成的财政压力。 Japan plans to issue 6.7 trillion yen (about $44 billion) in new government bonds to fund a supplementary budget aimed at easing financial pressures on households due to rising prices. 预算总额为13.9万亿日元,其中一部分将由3.8万亿日元的税收盈余供资,这些盈余来自雄厚的公司收入。 The budget, totaling 13.9 trillion yen, will partly be funded by a 3.8 trillion yen tax surplus from strong corporate earnings. 然而,这一举动可能使日本本已脆弱的财政健康恶化,这是发达经济体中情况最糟糕的。 However, this move may worsen Japan's already fragile fiscal health, which is the worst among developed economies. 政府的目标是在12月21日前获得议会的批准。 The government aims to get parliamentary approval by December 21.