研究显示,北爱尔兰70%的男性虐待受害者认为自杀,这突显了报案不足和耻辱感。 Study reveals 70% of male abuse victims in Northern Ireland consider suicide, highlighting underreporting and stigma.
女王大学贝尔法斯特的一项研究发现,北爱尔兰亲密伴侣暴力的男性受害者中有70%考虑过自杀,60%以上患有情绪紊乱症。 A study from Queen's University Belfast found that 70% of male victims of intimate partner violence in Northern Ireland have considered suicide, and over 60% suffer from mood disorders. 研究强调,这些男性受害者中只有一半报告说受到虐待,这往往是由于耻辱。 The research highlighted that only half of these male victims report their abuse, often due to stigma. 这项研究呼吁改善对男性受害者的心理健康服务和支助网络,强调需要解决报告不足和污名化问题。 The study calls for improved mental health services and support networks for male victims, emphasizing the need to address underreporting and stigma.