调查显示,5 000多万欧盟妇女遭受过身体暴力或性暴力。 Survey reveals over 50 million EU women have experienced physical or sexual violence.
欧盟最近的一项调查发现,31%的18-74岁妇女,大约5 000万,在成年时遭受过身体暴力或性暴力。 A recent EU survey found that 31% of women aged 18-74, approximately 50 million, experienced physical or sexual violence in adulthood. 18至29岁的妇女报告说,基于性别的暴力发生率最高,为35%,而65至74岁年龄组的这一比例为24%。 Women aged 18 to 29 reported the highest rates of gender-based violence at 35%, compared to 24% in the 65-74 age group. 值得注意的是,18%有伴侣的妇女遭受过来自她们的暴力,32%的妇女报告说曾有过暴力伴侣。 Notably, 18% of women who had a partner experienced violence from them, while 32% reported having a violent partner at some point. 调查还发现,五分之一的妇女面临非伴侣暴力,芬兰、瑞典、丹麦和荷兰比率较高,保加利亚、波兰和捷克的比率较低。 The survey also found that one in five women faced non-partner violence, with Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands having higher rates, and Bulgaria, Poland, and Czechia having lower rates.