爱尔兰人对性攻击和性别暴力的看法大不相同,欧盟一项新的研究的结果好坏参半。 Irish views on sexual assault and gender violence vary widely, with mixed results in a new EU study.
欧洲委员会最近的一项研究发现,13%的爱尔兰人认为,在酒精或毒品影响下,妇女遭受性攻击是部分责任者,在欧盟排名第七位,在欧盟平均水平中位居第七位,低于16%。 A recent European Commission study found that 13% of Irish people believe women sexually assaulted while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are partially responsible, ranking 7th lowest in the EU and below the 16% EU average. 此外,69%的人认为亲密伴侣对妇女施暴在爱尔兰很普遍,18%的人认为可以对妇女进行鞭打、挑拨或吹口哨。 Additionally, 69% believe intimate partner violence against women is common in Ireland, and 18% find it acceptable to ogle, catcall, or whistle at women. 然而,77%的人不同意一个人控制其伴侣的财务,这是欧盟最高的比率。 However, 77% disagree with a man controlling his partner's finances, the highest rate in the EU. 调查旨在了解对暴力侵害妇女行为的态度和基于性别的定型观念。 The survey aimed to understand attitudes toward violence against women and gender-based stereotypes.