来自威尔士的男性家庭虐待受害者Gareth Jones在遭受伴侣Sarah Rigby的虐待后寻求帮助,后者被判处20个月的缓刑徒刑。 Male domestic abuse victim Gareth Jones from Wales sought help after enduring abuse from partner Sarah Rigby, who received a suspended 20-month prison sentence.
来自威尔士的男性家庭虐待受害者Gareth Jones讲述了他与控制伴侣Sarah Rigby的创伤经历。 Gareth Jones, a male domestic abuse victim from Wales, recounted his traumatic experience with his controlling partner, Sarah Rigby. 9个多月来,他受到严重限制、身体虐待和孤立。 Over nine months, he endured severe restrictions, physical abuse, and isolation. 在秘密会见了他的母亲并意识到虐待的影响之后,他寻求人类倡议的帮助。 After secretly meeting his mother and realizing the abuse's impact, he sought help from the Mankind Initiative. Rigby因其行为被判处缓刑20个月监禁。 Rigby received a suspended 20-month prison sentence for her actions. 本案强调了经常被忽视的家庭暴力男性受害者问题。 This case underscores the often-overlooked issue of male victims of domestic violence.