美国码头工人和雇主达成初步协议,避免可能在全国范围内发动的港口罢工。 US dockworkers and employers reach tentative deal, avoiding potential nationwide port strike.
美国码头工人和港口雇主已达成临时协议,防止可能发生的罢工。 US dockworkers and port employers have reached a tentative agreement, preventing a potential strike. 这项协议确保货物将继续通过港口,不受干扰地流动。 This deal ensures that goods will continue to move through ports without disruptions. 协议的细节没有具体说明,但双方都努力避免可能影响到全国各地航运和货运业务的冲突。 Details of the agreement were not specified, but both sides worked to avoid a conflict that could have impacted shipping and cargo operations across the country.