新西兰统计局报告说,2022年净损失了21 000个就业机会,青年就业下降,年收入增长放缓。 Statistics New Zealand reports a net loss of 21,000 jobs, a decline in youth employment, and a slowing annual earnings growth in 2022.
新西兰统计局的最新报告指出,劳动力市场疲软,过去一年净损失了21 000个已填充的工作岗位,尤其影响到15至24岁的青年,他们减少了25 000个工作岗位。 Statistics New Zealand's latest report indicates a weakening labor market, with a net loss of 21,000 filled jobs over the past year, particularly impacting youth aged 15-24, who saw a decline of 25,000 jobs. 奥克兰和惠灵顿的情况显著减少,特别是在建筑和住宿部门。 Auckland and Wellington experienced significant reductions, especially in construction and accommodation sectors. 年收入仅增长0.8%,是2019年以来最低的,预计失业率将上升到5.5%。 Annual earnings grew by only 0.8%, the slowest since 2019, and unemployment is projected to rise to 5.5%.