新西兰的求职申请在第三季度增加了34.8%,尽管招聘数量下降了38.7%. New Zealand job applications increase 34.8% in Q3 despite 38.7% job listings decline.
与去年相比,新西兰的就业市场有所改善,7月至9月的求职申请增加了34.8%,尽管求职名单减少了38.7%。 New Zealand's job market shows improvement with a 34.8% rise in job applications from July to September compared to last year, despite a 38.7% decline in job listings. 农业,渔业和酒店业的增长, 而房地产和教育业的增长显著下降. Growth was noted in agriculture, fishing, and hospitality sectors, while property and education saw significant declines. 在15个区域中,有6个区域的工作名单增加了。 Six of 15 regions experienced job listing increases. 平均薪金稳定在72 815美元,表明在面临经济挑战时有一定的复原力。 The average salary remained stable at $72,815, indicating some resilience amid economic challenges.